Часок-другойбудемумиратьвновьивновьв Hotline Miami. youtube.com/c/LifeClick/live • twitch.tv/life_click #Stream@life.click最新动态:ДжонРэмбопосетилСити-17 иприлагающиеокрестности.....
{"url": "D1jInKt688w", "_type": "url", "ie_key": "Youtube", "id": "D1jInKt688w", "title": "Review: Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number"}, {"url": "ya8hyJnJzBU", "_type": "url", "ie_key": "Youtube", "id": "ya8hyJnJzBU", "title": "Retro Review: Policenauts"...
Signs posted there offer a hotline number and urge suicidal visitors to seek help. Desperate Japanese head to ‘suicide forest’ They come upon a body hanging in the forest and call out to him. Paul asks someone to call the police twice. After he sees the body, Paul says: “This ...