[embedvideo id=”D4BggiS-mVA” website=”youtube”] ABC Kid TV This is another greatYouTubechannel for younger kids.ABC Kid TVfeatures more than 50 videos that are fun and educational, on everything from the alphabet, to shapes, to animals. [embedvideo id=”_UR-l3QI2nE” website=”...
💡Cocomelon 也叫ABC kidsTV,是YouTube排名第二的英文童谣订阅频道(排名第一的就是Super Simple Song),它拥有海量原创3D视频资源。 Cocomelon的画面非常可爱逼真,3D形象,人物整体感觉非常生动活泼,主角是相亲相爱的一家五口,爸爸妈妈,哥哥姐姐,...
YouTubeTV - live broadcast of TV channels YouTube announced in March the launch of the YouTubeTV service, which will broadcast TV channels by subscription. The service will soon become available in theUnited States, while those wishing are offered to subscribe to alerts. ...
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From Tubi to Pluto TV and even no-cost options on Peacock, there's a ton of free content to be enjoyed. In recent years, the free content has also gotten a lot better now that major companies are investing in free streaming services. This is especially great news for sci-fi fans ...
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△CHUCHU TV的标志,右上角可爱的小女孩叫CHUCHU,是这家公司创始人的女儿 2013年发布第一首歌《Chubby Cheeks》,不到5年的时间,他们已经是YouTube订阅量第一的儿歌频道。 △ CHUCHU TV里,几个主要的动画人物:ChuChu, ChaCha, Chika...
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