给中国人的YouTube使用教程 | 亮点、技巧、插件 YouTube Tutoria,于2024年8月21日上线。西瓜视频为您提供高清视频,画面清晰、播放流畅,看丰富、高质量视频就上西瓜视频。
作为一个数学小白,我本以为微积分会让我挂科(上课时经常一脸懵逼),但在YouTube上偶然发现了一个宝藏:The Organic Chemistry Tutor。他有一套非常完整的微积分合集,每个部分都划分得非常清晰,而且会带着大家做很多练习。看视频时一定要边看边写题,这样效率高,还能巩固知识点。考试前我疯狂看了很多他的视频,结果考...
这个平台本身就是英文环境,而且上面有很多免费的老师教学视频,备考Alevel不看还等什么时候看?话不多说,直接给大家分享一些教授推荐的Alevel宝藏博主。🔍 数学:MathPhys 这个频道有Mechanics和Further Mechanics的内容,老师从基础开始讲解,即使你数学不太好也能听懂!📚 物理:Physics and Maths Tutor 这个频道应该是国际...
As the star of her own YouTube channel, "The Brain Scoop," the 29-year-old is part comedian and part science tutor. Aug 18, 2018 Researchers: YouTube's Efforts Combating Extremist Videos Falling Short YouTube, which is owned by Google, incorporated aspects of the "Redirect Method" ...
Enhance Your YouTube Experience. Contribute to tutorggg/uYou-for-YouTube development by creating an account on GitHub.
YouTube教程(Youtube tutorial) 资源编号 : 41299829 格式: png,svg 文件体积 : 74k 下载量 : 35png版本 74k png版本 svg版本 收藏 评论 详情页 投诉 分享 相关主题 : 视频 学习 教务 爱给网提供海量的图示资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png,svg 格式的YouTube教程(Youtube tutorial), 本...
Yes, you’ve been pampered, cosseted, doted upon, helmeted, bubble-wrapped. Yes, capable adults with other things to do have held you, kissed you, fed you, wiped your mouth, wiped your bottom, trained you, taught you, tutored you, coac...
The Organic Chemistry Tutor 推荐指数:5⭐ 是否有b站搬运:有(极少零星搬运) 频道属性:个人 频道特色/专长:啥都别说,我先给跪了!虽然频道取名“有机化学导师”,但内容几乎涵盖了理科能接触到的所有课程。大哥拯救了我的微积分、拯救了我的物理,拯救了我的基础化学,最重要的——大哥拯救了我的有机化学。不过大...
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/khan-the-youtube-tutor/. Literatur Boutyline, Andrei, und Robb Willer. 2017. The social structure of political echo chambers: Variation in ideological homophily in online networks.Political Psychology38(3): 551–569. ...
Home Repair Tutor, with more than 542K subscribers. House Improvements, with more than 877K subscribers.You can also run YouTube ads to promote these videos, as how-to keywords are popular.Trend #7: Market Your Brand with Immersive Shopping VideosImmersive...