YouTube打击Ad Blocker:看3支视频后遭封锁 看YouTube视频时被接二连三广告打扰常使兴致大减,若不想花钱订阅无广告的YouTube Premium,免费第三方应用程序Ad Blocker是十分实用的好帮手,不过YouTube开始打击Ad Blocker测试,近日更通过弹出窗口通知用户不许使用Ad Blocker。Reddit用户Reddit_n_Me发现,开着Ad Blocker...
YouTube上播放视频不时都会显示广告,一些人会使用Ad Blocker阻挡广告显示,不过先前有网民发现YouTube会侦测浏览器是否有Ad Blocker并拒绝播放视频,YouTube方面回应指这只是小规模测试,并未正式实施。Reddit用户Sazk100先前分享指,他在使用YouTube时突然看到有弹出式窗口警告用户不得在YouTube上使用Ad Blocker阻挡广告...
YouTube是全球最大影音平台,用户若在观看影片时不想被广告打扰,除了付费订阅YouTube Premium会员之外,有些人会使用“Ad Blocker(广告拦截器)”的外挂方式阻挡广告,然而近期国外有网友发现YouTube官方已悄悄开始针对使用“Ad Blocker”的用户祭出严格禁令。 根据外媒《Bleepingcomputer》报导,国外Reddit论坛有网友发现,在观看...
YouTube has been noticeably silent on the subject of ad blockers for quite some time, making this development unexpected. The pop-up further emphasized the importance of ads in enabling YouTube to remain free for billions of users worldwide. In response to the growing buzz, a YouTube employe...
Adblocker For YouTube Videos Can Removes all YouTube™ video and text ads. Lightweight and safe, with minimal required permissions. This app helps to removes a…
YouTube recently disabled the use of ad blockers, and if you have one installed, you may encounter a message stating that video playback will be blocked. Ads are an essential source of revenue for YouTube, allowing it to be accessible to billions of users worldwide. In this blog post, ...
YouTube is experimenting with a new way to serve ads in hopes of making ad blockers obsolete.Credit: Didem Mente/Anadolu via Getty Images YouTubeis once again ramping up its battle against ad blocker extensions. According toSponsorBlock, a "crowdsourced extension to skip sponsor segments in Yo...
You may find it surprising for a big tech giant like YouTube to block ad blockers. But if it can help YouTube to grow ad revenue, then it will be a wise step. The issue came to light when a Reddit user posted about YouTube’s popup message saying, “Ad Blockers are not allowed...
YouTube 更新了政策,不再允许“第三方应用屏蔽其广告”。此举可能是针对 AdGuard 之类的广告屏蔽应用,用户可以在应用中打开 YouTube,播放视频但不会再看到广告。YouTube 表示广告屏蔽应用危及到了内容创作者的收入,广告能帮助创作者获得收入,让全球数十亿人能使用流媒体服务。如果用户不想看广告,可以注册其付费订阅服...
Anyone who receives the notice but isn’t using an ad blocker should click on the “report issue” link at the bottom. In-stream ads are at the heart of YouTube’s operation. Indeed, its notice also says that “ads allow YouTube to stay free for billions of users worldwide.” ...