TAKE A RIDE ON THE EAST PALESTINE CHEMTRAIN of predictive programming apathy, corruption, avoidance, denial, and deception. ISRAEL EXES GRETA THUNBERG As Being "Antisemitic" For Opposing Genoside and Chemtrail Weather Weapons. CHEMTRAIL RNA 5G APOCALYPSE. -Sacha Stone. DR TENT ON CHEMTRAIL FLU...
Google is trying to make a system where there is no more derogatory anonymous posts made by cowards that want to say cruel, racist , and rude comments in anonymity. Now with a G+ sign in, you will be right out there in the open. Seems the only people that have a problem with it ...
(Jet Records, 1980) Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath parted ways and the result couldn’t have been more exciting. The singer’s debut record hosts some of metal’s most cherished tunes with a huge thanks being owed to late guitar-stud Randy Rhoads. “Crazy Train” rightfully gets most of ...