OnlyMP3 是我用過最好用的免費 MP3 線上下載工具,支援中文、無廣告、轉換速度超快,貼上 YouTube 網址後,它就會立即轉換並下載。 音質部分也支援到 320Kbps,以免費工具來說,這款真的佛心,而且長期都蠻穩定的。 優點 下載速度快 最高320kbps 無廣告 缺點 只能下載 MP3 格式 試用OnlyMP3 2. YTSMP3 YTSMP3 ...
Top 2. YouTube to MP3 Converter-YT1s Another free onlineYouTube to MP3 converter --YT1soffers to convert YouTube videos to MP3, MP4, FLV, M4A, and 3GP WEBM. You can use it to get MP3 songs from YouTube in different quality levels, like 64kbps to 320kbps. Besides, YTs1 is in ...
また、YTs1は様々な言語に対応しているので、お好みの言語にサイトを変更することができます。 主な特徴 URLを貼り付けるか、検索して変換をクリックするだけです。 Google、Safari、Firefox、Chromeのようなすべてのブラウザで動作します。 サイズ制限なしでYouTubeをMP3に変換できます。 MP3...
phpjsytdlyts-apiyoutubedownloader UpdatedApr 18, 2018 PHP A desktop application for downloading music playlists and single tracks from Youtube. javascriptyoutubereactjsdesktop-applicationelectronjsyoutubedownloader UpdatedFeb 20, 2019 HTML An application that downloads high-resolution youtube videos from...
[youtube] 25lnfHkENm4: Downloading player ERROR: Signature extraction failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\rg3\tmpkzpz548c\build\youtube_dl\extractor\... Tips: It is worth noting that these sites often cover a large number of advertisements and false information. Please pay attention to network security to avoid loss...
and avi. YTD offers probably the easiest download and conversion of YouTube videos via theDownloadbutton that is displayed over every YouTube video if you have YTD installed on your PC. However, in order to use YTS as a converter, you must buy the Pro version of the software, which is ...
(caused by ExtractorError("Cannot identify player ''; please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; type youtube-dl -U to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with...
:tv: PHP based alternative to youtube-dl and yt-dlp. Active and frequently updated! :star: - Create youtube_most_viewed.csv · 1-invaliduser/youtube-downloader@c68112b
Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output. (caused by ExtractorError(u"Cannot identify player u''; please report this issue on . Make sure you are using ...