这里拿 y2mate 举例,如果你想下载某个视频,只需要复制粘贴全链接(https开头的链接格式)到工具的地址栏,然后点击 “Start” 开始按钮立面对视频进行解析。 第三步:选取合适规格的视频或音频文件进行下载。 解析过程一般会持续几秒,当视频被解析成功后,所有可供下载的文件格式(如 MP4/MP3/FLV)、分辨率(如 4K/1080...
It doesn’t support batch downloading YouTube playlists to MP3 files. The quality of the MP3 downloads may be poor.#2. Y2Mate - YouTube to MP3 DownloaderOfficial website: https://www.y2mate.com/en1959/youtube-mp3Recommend level: ⭐⭐⭐⭐Trustpilot...
只能使用 YouTube 影片連結轉檔:Y2Down.cc 只支援用影片連結轉檔。如果是已經用下載器下載好的 YouTube 影片,就需要找到原始連結才能轉成 WAV 檔案。 無法選擇音質:Y2Down.cc 為影片檔案提供不同的畫質選項,但音檔無法選擇音質。雖然下載下來的檔案音質不差,但比較不適合需要更高音質檔案的使用者。
Step 4:Click the "Download" button to save the video to your device. For added convenience, you can right-click the download link and choose “Save As” to finalize the download. 10.Y2Mate YouTube Download Here is the next downloader tool that can assist you in getting the download job...
Y2DOWN.CCy2down.cc/zh/ 5:DOWNMP3.YT这个网站域名是下载MP3的,实际也支持下载MP4, 也是有一个广告 推荐指数3星: 6:YT1D.COM这个也是没有广告,解析快,但是下载慢,最多支持1080P下载 推荐指数4星: 7:YT1S这个广告多,但解析快,只支持720P
Convert YouTube to Audio Format Free online YouTube media conversion and download formats like MP3, AAC, OGG, M4A, FLAC, AIFF etc Audio Format... Online YouTube to MP3 Converter Free Online YouTube to AAC Converter Convert YouTube Video to OGG Converter ...
3.y2mate.com Y2mateallows you to convert video from YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, etc. to Mp3, Mp4 in HD. And it supports downloading all video formats such as: MP4, M4V, WMV, FLV, MP3, etc. You can easily download thousands of videos from YouTube and other websites for free....
Open an mp3 converter site from YouTube covert to mp3, use the software. There are additional tools that add a prefix or suffix to the video link itself. This can be used to prevent constant inter-sites navigation. Put in the search bar of the tool the video link you copied. When you...
Y2meta is a Free, Fast and Simple YouTube Downloader and MP4 Converter. Download MP4 videos from YouTube for FREE to PC, mobile. Supports downloading all formats: MP4, 3GP, WebM, HD videos, convert YouTube to MP3, M4A Description: Y2meta Overview Y2meta com supports over 1000+ popular...