akhi07rx/Youtube-To-Google-Drive Star10 A Python code repository for downloading files from YouTube videos and URLs, with support for progress tracking and Google Drive integration. pythondownloaderyoutubefile-uploadjupyter-notebookgoogle-drivecolabpython-3youtube-download ...
Enter a Google Drive path and run this cell if you want to store the results inside Google Drive. drive_path = "Colab Notebooks/Whisper Youtube" Run this cell again if you change your Google Drive path. Model selection🧠 As of the first public release, there are 4 pre-trained options...
If using Local Whisper on Google Colab: Switch the runtime type to a GPU instance (e.g., T4). Go to Runtime > Change runtime type > Set Hardware accelerator to GPU. Input Video Source: Input the video URL or file path. Select the source type (YouTube Video, Google Drive Video ...
"Colab link: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1AErkPgDderPW0dgE230OOjEysd0QV1sR?usp=sharing" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "id": "32125c58-b985-4083-9431-ce5ae3d35b0d", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "...
Part 3: ChromaDB Tutorial shows how to create a ChromaDB vector database in Google Colab by creating the database in your Google Drive. We'll save some recipes and perform semantic search to find the recipes. Code Reference: video_tutorials/save_recipe_to_chromadb.ipynb Video Tutorial:Abou...
If you prefer not to install the prerequisites on your local system, you can use the Google Colab notebook. This option is free and requires no installation setup. Click on the link to the Google Colab notebook:https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1_2UKdpF6lqxCqWaAcZb3rwMVQqtbisdE?us...
Here is a guide on how to do it, using a tool called Colab and a technique called Topic Modeling (refer to the codes and detailed annotation—Appendix A and videos). We chose 30 channels, specifically focusing on middle-aged individuals living in single households. Our selection criteria ...