Here’s the basics of making the perfect YouTube thumbnail including dimensions, aspect ratio, and maximum file size: ⭐️ YouTube video thumbnails should be uploaded at a size of 1280 x 720 pixels. YouTube thumbnails are a aspect ratio of 16:9 (same as widescreen video). The minimum...
In order for your YouTube thumbnail image to have the best impact, it needs to be the correct size. The idealYouTube thumbnaildimensions are as follows: Resolution:1280×720 (with a minimum width of 640 pixels) Aspect Ratio:16:9 Maximum File Size:2MB The accepted image formats are: JPG,...
If you want to own an outstanding thumbnail image toincrease YouTube subscribers, keep reading to learn how to create a thumbnail with the perfect YouTube thumbnail size. How to Make YouTube Thumbnail This post lists 2 ways to help you make an outstanding YouTube thumbnail image. Please pay ...
Youtube Thumbnail Size Guidelines ✍️ Here’s a list of what you need to remember: 1280 × 720 resolution (with a minimum width of 640 pixels) JPG, GIF, BMP, or PNG image formats Under 2MB 16:9 aspect ratio Creating the perfect YouTube Thumbnail ...
According to YouTube’s guidelines, the ideal YouTube thumbnail size is 1280 pixels x 720 pixels and the minimum width is 640 pixels.Size. The maximum allowable file size is 2 MB for videos.Aspect ratio. Images should have a 16:9 aspect ratio.File...
YouTube video thumbnails are crucial for the success of your YouTube videos. A well-designed thumbnail can attract users to watch your videos. That’s why it’s essential to ace your YouTube video thumbnails. The aspect ratio of thumbnails is 16:9, while the recommended size of the images...
Size: 2MB for videos and 10MB for podcasts Aspect ratio: 16:9 YouTube can also issue a strike on your account if it contains imagery that goes against their community guidelines, such as hate speech or violence. For repeated thumbnail offenses, YouTube will also remove custom thumbnail privile...
What size is a YouTube Thumbnail? YouTube thumbnail dimensions are 1280 pixels wide and 720 pixels too. The minimum width is 640 pixels. The ideal YouTube thumbnail aspect ratio is 16:9. What is a thumbnail on YouTube? Think of a YouTube thumbnail as a meta description.Your meta ...
If your image already has the right aspect ratio but is simply too small or too large, just use our Resize tool. Click Edits > Resize. Make a YouTube thumbnail with a design template Browse our YouTube thumbnail templates. Once you’ve found one you like, all you have to do is click...
Best YouTube Thumbnail Size Also, the YouTube thumbnail size can be: 16:9 Aspect Ratio: 1280 x 720 pixels (HD) 1920 x 1080 pixels (Full HD) 3840 x 2160 pixels (4K) 4:3 Aspect Ratio: 640 x 480 pixels 1:1 Aspect Ratio (Square): ...