so Bloomberg had to make it seem that Biden had been working on their version of Trump’s idea “for months” and that’s precisely what it said: “Sullivan and Singh have been working on the project for
Just One Cookbook is a cooking channel that details how-to make a variety of delicious looking Japanese recipes. Subscribe to Push Square on YouTube153k Red Letter Media is already a pretty big and well-known channel, but they're worth a shout-out. Their reviews of old horror movies, ...
One of the ways I try to get people to understand just how wrong feeds from places like Facebook are is to think about Wikipedia. When you go to a page, you’re seeing the same thing as other people. So it’s one of the few things online that we at least hold in common. Now j...
You have to use additional markup. Each video needs to be wrapped in another HTML element. I wouldn’t call it non-semantic since it may make sense to use aor something but it’s certainly more work. If you don’t care about either of those things, by all means use that, it’s a...
The point of these things is to help Republicans decide between candidates for their party nomination. If anything, shouldn’t CNN be seeking out Republican questioners? Indeed CNN executives themselvesacknowledge the problem: CNN Senior Vice President and Executive Producer of the debate, David Bohr...
Not true there are ads and most are long but you can’t skip it! If you want your child to use this stupid app then just go to yt and watch it with them so they don’t see bad or scary things. Or watch Netflix! In conclusion everyone should hate this app. ...
People come here because they love technology and love to see new things. So let's see what's in store today and stop thinking what you have is the best already. Cheers Reply 1 of 3 ? Anonymous Im4 11 Jul 2013 AnonD-80149, 11 Jul 2013please people don't buy windows phone, the...
I think many people will make less interesting stuff because they'll be able to autocomplete their own work. I think the number of people actually making things will shrink, because it's discouraging as hell to release art into a sea of AI nonsense, only for it to ...
Thanks, Youtube I got on youtube and they gave me a bunch of suggestions of shit I should look at andmostof it made sense because three of them were things that I’d uploaded myself, but then the fourth thing suggested for me was “BEAR’S ENEMA” and I thought “Oh, that makes...
also don't let your children watch YouTube/browse the internet unattended if you dont want them to see things they shouldn't see. the internet is inherently not safe for children unless you know what you're doing and go with an extremely strict whitelist approach, maybe ...