James Cameron’s firstTerminator(and second feature) is less of a pure-popcorn action flick than its upscaled sequel, but that makes it all the more terrifying of a movie—dark, somber, replete with a silent villain who calmly plucks bits of his damaged face off to more precisely target it...
movie youtube vimeo splidejs •0.8.0•2 years ago•4dependents•MITpublished version0.8.0,2 years ago4dependentslicensed under $MIT 44,251 niieani •2.3.0•2 years ago•463dependents•MITpublished version2.3.0,2 years ago463dependentslicensed under $MIT ...
for smaller businesses, they still offer the promise of instant credibility and differentiation. When a small business owner can have a famous person stand on heir site, they are certain to stand out from everyone else. The only remaining question is whether the website gets significant traffic....
the use of contrast and color is impactful. Using just three words on the thumbnail image, the video streaming service has been able to leverage a familiar face (Andrew Garfield). The magic three words are two any movie fan loves to see (Official Teaser...
"English HD Movie Free Download", etc., you will see a long list of websites that promise to grab your favorite blockbuster in seconds. In fact, these sites are mostly illegal, and they may be forced to close. So, is there a legal movie site for us to get English movies free downlo...
YouTube is serious about its experiment in streaming full-length movies, despite some previous failings in this area: It's just launched a page jammed with 400 movie titles. And they're free (in the U.K.)
You’ve probably heard of subliminal advertising — the idea is that behaviors can be elicited by flashing extremely brief messages on a movie or TV screen. “BUY POPCORN NOW” is the canonical example, with movies containing such subconscious messaging supposedly experiencing dramatic increases in ...
4. Good minor characters don’t know they’re minor characters. Everyone is the star of their own movie. If your henchmen might as well have the labels “Heavy #1 and #2”, give them more life history. I have a bad guy, a drunken marauder, inSeason OneofThis Plague of Daysyou don...
the travel writing genre (Smith 2018). An understudied area is how travel vlogging on sites like YouTube and TikTok enable and/or constrain the representation of cultural others. There is some promise that online travel videos are a more humanizing medium and genre when compared to the ...
She got the idea to create makeup videos after watching the movie Avatar and trying to recreate the Naa'vi looks. The video went viral and made Promise a YouTube beauty guru and one of the most respected makeup authorities on the Internet. ...