"The Problem With Jon Stewart" is in the middle of its mid-season break, but that isn't stopping titular Jon Stewart from seeking drama on the internet. He'll be hosting a livestream and taking calls via the official YouTube channel. Details of the livestream or how to get a call th...
Jon Stewart, longtime host of The Daily Show and current host of The Problem with Jon Stewart on Apple TV+ — and to many folks a sort of comedic conscience of the nation — will take your calls on Thursday, February 23. That’s the same day the streaming service said six new episode...
vegan activist who has a somewhat similar style to Ed but is definitely more confrontational. His dedication, patience, and courage are outstanding – the discussions he has with other people can sometimes result in shouting matches, only to have Jack quickly find some common ground with them ...
Where does the baby and the babystroller disappear to? It rolled out the door during the fight. These women should be elected to Congress. Bah! It's quite obvious that America is under-populated, and we would not have this problem if we weren't... https://www.youtube.com/watch?
The problem was that their singer loathed the road, was pained with homesickness on lengthy runs and was developing substance abuse issues, creating the perfect storm for a change. Di’Anno was instrumental to Maiden’s ascent, giving the band just enough of a gutter punk vibe, despite th...