Ensure your script is conversational by avoiding the passive voice, eg: 4. Don’t try to offer comprehensive answers to complicated problems If a question needs a more comprehensive answer, provide this in writing alongside the video. [17] 5. Be honest An FAQ video needs to build trust, so...
I anxiously await the latest from The Passive Voice each day. Seth Godin’s blogs are short, pithy and easily digestible. Copyblogger is a place I should visit. However, the truth is, I only check out a few blogs on a regular basis. A fellow author challenged my thinking on my stance...
【EnglishClass官方语法基础课程】1.Active Voice and Passive Voice - Learn 09:16 2.ALL Tips You Need to Pass the TOEIC Ex 34:41 3.ASK - Basic Verbs - Learn English Gram 10:37 4.Basic Adjective Comparisons - Learn En 10:33 5.BUY - Basic Verbs - Learn English Gram 08:53 6.Conditiona...
Our mission is to give everyone a voice and show them the world. YouTube was purchased by Google in November 2006 for $1.65B. YouTube Values Freedom of Expression Freedom of Information Freedom of Opportunity Freedom to Belong YouTube Mission, Vision & Values ...
The model used videos from YouTube, one of the leading global social network platforms, and the videoconferencing system Zoom, the tool selected by the studied educational institution to continue academic operations during the health confinement. The model was enriched with the Index for Learning ...
【EnglishClass官方语法基础课程】1.Active Voice and Passive Voice - Learn。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
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Top tips:Include your keyword within the first 25 words, make sure your description is at least 250 words, and naturally drop in your keyword two to three times. This video aboutpassive incomeideas features the keyword in the first sentence of the description. ...
This can be found from YouTube's policies that have not adopted the principles of gender equality and even policies tend to be abstract, passive complaints, indecisive, especially from sanctions for violations of women's rights in YouTube content. The implication of neglecting the principles of ...
When it comes to uploading videos online, YouTube, the biggest video streaming service, is often taken as the first choice. You can easily upload videos that fall in a wide range of categories from short-form videos to self-made documentaries. However, there exist some problems like harmful ...