specifically the Safe Harbor provision of that act that allows YouTube to simply pull infringing content on the demand of the IP holder rather than have to pay a $25,000 penalty as they’d do in, say, Australia.
produces humanitarian content aimed at spreading positivity and kindness. Through various scenarios, such as pretending to be a beggar or offering choices to strangers, he films social interactions to raise awareness about mental health and highlight the signific...
Focusing on the significant life events of death and grief, YouTube is examined in this chapter as a social media forum in which intimacy is generated between strangers in often fleeting gestures of outreach and kindness. This chapter argues that 'intimate publics' constitute a particular shift ...
Even after Robert, the prospect, irritably mentions that this is the fifth realtor calling him today, Bryan remains calm. From there, he smoothly transitions through various objections of Robert—all the way to getting an appointment from him. His conversational style and confidence are worth emula...
Here are the best free documentaries on YouTube. 1. 13th Credit: Netflix In this Academy Award–nominated documentary feature, filmmaker Ava DuVernay examines systemic racism and the persistent horror of slavery in the United States with thorough, detailed, and astounding reporting. Interviews with...
An 80-year-old grandmother of nine shouldn't feel enslaved by the expectations of strangers on the internet that found her through a Reddit post she didn't make. Shirley's latest playthrough follows Ganci, a "badass" Redguard warrior. I ask Shirley why she continues to invest so much ...
The giant panda eats only one type of bamboo. Other animals eat only one type of food even when given the . A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are plenty of other in the garden. However, most animals have a more diet. The bear eats ...
“It’s rage-inducing to see these children pathologized for normal child developmental stages,” one user wrote. “I bet the thorazine-wielding psych nurses seem like a model of compassion and kindness after being raised by these parents.” ...
“It felt so real and sincere and it was,” she told the New York Times, saying each couple really did meet for the first time the day they shot. “They shed all these layers in front of our eyes and in front of the cameras and that sweetness and kindness resonated with people.” ...