This week, a Lighthouse Trails reader contacted us and sent us a link to a YouTube video that discusses Dallas Jenkins’ film series,The Chosen.While we realize that many Christians are watching the series and find it valuable and meaningful, we encourage believers to use discernment and bibli...
Continue Reading The Shield of Faith in the Midst of Struggles Clips Exposing The Chosen—Dallas Jenkins responds to Book of Mormon verse—Season 3 Trailer Posted on November 8, 2022 Courtesy of John Lanagan at The Word Like Fire Ministries Related Articles: Do “The Chosen” Mormon Executive...
One can expound on it with the false prophet Jonathan Cahn, Dallas Jenkins and his false Chosen series. Be not deceived, know God’s Word, the Bible. All of you steadfast ambassadors at Lighthouse Trails, keep fighting the Faith for the one True God, Jesus Christ our Savior. Mike says:...