Understanding the circumstances under which the public engages with scientific content is therefore crucial to improving science communication. In this article, we investigate the role of affect on audience engagement with a modern form of science communication: TED Talks on the social media platform ...
Ryan Jugan said that “witnessing censorship, suppression of medical professionals, science and data is appalling.” District spokesperson Bree Hankins told Just the News it never got specifics on the purported misinformation in the video and that YouTube denied the district’s appeal. While YouTube...
机器人是否应该拥有权利等。 🔬 AsapSCIENCE AsapSCIENCE用动画形式解说日常科学知识,比如先有鸡还是先有蛋?如果地球上的冰全都融化了会怎样? 🛠️ eHow 这个频道教你生活小技巧和DIY工具,忙里偷闲做点手工也是很好的放松方式。 🎤 Talks at Google 这个频道会请各行各业的名人来演讲,非常值得订阅。既能锻...
Modal density and coherence in science dissemination: Orchestrating multimodal ensembles in online TED talks and youtube science videosScience disseminationMultimodalityModal densityModal coherenceDigital genresAs science communication goes beyond the traditional borders of academia, new science dissemination genres...
毫无疑问,这个选自人气颇高的TED Talks的视频位列了我们的榜首。这个高水平演讲是在Dataconomy的诞生地—都柏林录制的,它分析了大数据的本质,并解释了为什么大数据更好。正如Cukier所说,“更多的数据给予了我们新的视角。它让我们能更好地进行观察,看见不一样的内容”。这个视频还介绍了一些大数据应用,比如癌细胞检测...
You are probably familiar with TED Talks conference sessions, which feature influential and inspiring people from all types of industries discussing topics about life, career, science, and more. TED-Ed is an extension of that, geared towards kids. The YouTube channel itself has content designed ...
TEDtalks在世界范围都非常流行。在TEDtalks的youtube频道,你可以看到各种最新的演讲。 其他 1. Crash Course 综合性教育视频频道,你可以在这里学习关于历史,化学,语文等各种学科的知识。 2. CGP Grey Channel 将各种关于政府,历史,外交的复杂只是简单化,以视频形式进行教学。
This is a video podcast by TEDTalks. It provides a tour of the Augmented Age with futurist Maurice Conti and preview a time when robots and humans will work side-by-side to accomplish things neither could do alone. 7.Putting Google's AI Through the Turing Test(5 months ago, 825K views...
Ted-Ed (18.5 Million Subscribers) Alltime10s (5.5 Million Subscribers) SciShow (7.5 Million Subscribers) Veritasium (13.6 Million Subscribers) Khan Academy (7.8 Million Subscribers) INSIDER (3.3 Million Subscribers) Tom Scott (5.9 Million Subscribers) SmarterEveryDay (11 Million Subscribers...
@Google Talks:AtGoogleTalks (or @Google Talks or Talks@Google)是google内部类似TED的模式的系列演讲...