DISCERN: an instrument for judging the quality of written consumer health information on treatment choices. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1999;53:105–11. Article Google Scholar Strychowsky JE, Nayan S, Farrokhyar F, MacLean J. YouTube: a good source of information on pediatric tonsillectomy?
Nason K, Donnelly A, Duncan H F. YouTube as a patient-information source for root canal treatment. Int Endod J 2016; 49: 1194-1200. López-Jornet P, Pons-Fuster E, Ruiz-Roca J A. YOUTUBE videos on oral care of the organ or haematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. Support Care ...
Durey K, Patterson H, Gordon K (2009) Dental assessment prior to stem cell transplant: treatment need and barriers to care. Br Dent J 206:E19 Article CAS Google Scholar Epstein JB, Raber-Durlacher JE, Wilkins A, Chavarria MG, Myint H (2009) Advances in hematologic stem cell transplant...
Adam Castillejo is still free of the virus more than 30 months after stopping anti-retroviral therapy. He was not cured by the HIV drugs, however, but by a stem-cell treatment he received for a cancer he also had, the Lancet HIV journal reports. The donors of those stem cells have an ...
○ Brain-Computer Interfaces: These devices allow for direct communication between the brain and external devices, offering potential for cognitive enhancement, treatment of neurological disorders, and even the possibility of "mind uploading" consciousness into a digital realm [10]. ...
Balloon valvuloplasty for palliative treatment of tricuspid stenosis with right-to-left atrial-level shunting in a dog A 3.75-year-old castrated male Chesapeake Bay Retriever was referred for evaluation of tachypnea, exercise intolerance, and cyanosis. Echocardiographically... SP Kunze,JA Abbott,SM Ha...
YouTube also said it was launching a team to work on verification of videos contributed to the platform called The First Draft Coalition. It will includes experts from Eyewitness Media Hub, Storyful, Bellingcat, First Look Media and others and "will develop and program a new site for verificati...
Berkshire Hathaway's chairman and CEO has been undergoing radiation treatment for prostate cancer this summer, but he has said his doctors do not believe the disease is life-threatening. •••• Each of Buffett's three children all chose a different focus for their foundations, based on...