《2020 年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮》叱咤樂壇男歌手 金獎: 許廷鏗 06:01 《2020年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮》叱咤樂壇女歌手金獎:AGA 06:12 Men's 10m semi final of 2020 national diving championship/Aisen focus Chen Aise 06:18 #梁詠琪 一天一天_灰姑娘_再見灰姑娘 10:38 《CHILL CLUB》薛凱琪 X 洪嘉豪《...
producer of YouTube Live: of Perry’s popularity of as an early YouTube star herself —“I Kissed A Girl” was one of the site’s first big hits — and of pop culture “entering the world of YouTube.” The idea of live streaming an event was still rare when Stephen Chen...