80年代每月最受欢迎歌曲 |Most Popular Song Each Month in the 80s |欧美音乐 |英文歌|流行音乐|YouTube搬运超时空音乐 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多239 -- 12:59 App 70年代每月最受欢迎歌曲 Most Popular Song Each Month in the 70s 3.7万 77 6:28:23 App 經典英文金曲100首50'...
In-depth analysis of how many users YouTube currently has. And up-to-date demographic info on the video platform's massive user base.
Pinkfong channel has been rising into the clutter after its Baby Shark song became an internet phenomenon. This channel has its original characters, including Pinkfong itself (a pink fox with magenta eyes), which are featured in almost every song. The color palette of the animation is bright an...
9. What is the fastest YouTube video to 1 billion views? “Hello” by Adele is the fastest YouTube video to reach one billion views in 87 days. Luis Fonsi’s “Despacito” music song reached the 1 billion views mark in 96 days. In case you’re interested, “Hello” video by Adele ...
The latest YouTube stats covering everything from usage growth, user base details, and fun facts, to revenue, advertising ROI and effectiveness, and more.
96.) Animated music videos:If you are good at animating stuff, choose a popular song and create your own animated visual story for it! You might be wondering if it is possible to create an animated video without any experience. Yes! It is absolutely possible. Here is a video where we ...
10 Years 10 Films (10Y10F) is a project to display embedded YouTube selections of world cinema. This series aims to give the audience a quick time-lapse view of how movie technology and style has developed throughout the world – one clip each year – from 1888 through 2017, starting wit...
The most liked video on YouTube is the music video for the song “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee, with over 49 million likes. YouTube’s own YouTube Rewind 2018 video is the most disliked video on the platform. It has received over 19 million dislikes and owns an 86.60...
トップ10 | 11~20位 | 21~30位 | 31~40位 | 41~50位 | 51~60位 | 61~70位 | 71~80位 | 81~90位 | 91~100位 | ページの先頭↑ ■ 51~60位 順位作品名、再生回数など 51 「ザ・レイジー・ソング」 (The Lazy Song) ブルーノ・マーズ(Bruno Mars) 【再生回数】...
11 of the top 20 search terms in the past year related directly to music, be it song trailers, music videos, or an artist’s content. At the same time, the platform’s most-subscribed channels and most viewed videos are of the same genre. Times may change, but YouTube stats reveal ...