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Here’s some more of the best short moral stories: 1. An Old Man Lived in the Village An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a ...
Wyatt:It’s great. Seeing different creators coming up in different markets — if you look at some of our biggest live streamers on the platform, they come from Spanish-speaking markets, or Brazil, or India. Big creators, driving some of the biggest viewership for gaming. If you look over...
I apologized first, went into my spiel about being grateful for all of the wonderful things she did for me, all the ways she put up with my neuroses, and how much I’d grown up…while she gulped down some rosé, looked at me and said...
What will happen is that music will swirl down to the bottom and we will never again hear something as different and wonderful as artists occasionally create. It may be created, but we'll never hear it because neither the generators of the new wave of music, or the ...
It’s a great camera because it has a wonderful autofocus so you can easily film yourself. But it’s a pretty big and bulky camera. As of mid 2015, I switched over to a mirrorless camera that is much smaller and easier to use, and I’ve been very happy with the image quality. ...
and he’s talking right to the camera. He does a really great job performing it. I’ve heard him read it live at conventions, and it was even more wonderful than having just read it myself. It’s very simple, and they did a little bit of editing, but it’s mostly one shot on ...
But I gotta say I always found about 9 to 10 percent of him super duper creepy. Maybe it's the piercing eyes, maybe it's the missing upper lip, maybe it's the fact that he looks like a robot or an illustration in a Sears catalog, I'm not sure. The wonderful thing isREEVESsnags...
What do I do have all these questions or whatever. And so we’re going to talk about some of those today. Wonderful. And then second, I reached out to some good friends of mine that have very large YouTube channels that are growing that are further ahead of me in the process. So ...
thank u for the wonderful lesson.I have something to ask u because everytime i burp i say excuse me or sorry.what is the correct word to say after burping? thank u josephine excuse me Ronnie Ronnie mam, you have explained the embarassing slang words in such a beautifully comical way ...