Youtube 原址:作者:Kids Learning TubeThis is a song for children about the 8 planets in our solar system. 多彩的,funny的儿童教学音乐。。。调子微洗脑,值得一听, 视频播放量 30107、弹幕量 127、点赞数 126、投硬币
There was also a video put out with Raph describing the goals and technologies of the game and their vision for it. Again, some interesting stuff in that, though I will say that whoever produced the video could have dialed down the music track by about half and it would have made it ea...
Video Id id string Unique identifier of the video. Web Link htmlLink string Hyperlink to the video. Video Summary snippet VideoSnippet A short summary of a given YouTube video.VideoSnippetA short summary of a given YouTube video. Expand table NamePathTypeDescription Title title string The ...
YouTube VIEW OLDER REPLIES Vinicini·5/28/2023 I checked the miniplayer function to see if it worked Yep. It's definitely a "for kids" video ILikePhineas&Ferb2008·5/28/2023 The soyjak community be wildin man Learn About the Solar System with WholesomeJak | Educational Soyjak Videos for...
Chris made the point “youtube grew up faster than hollywood” alongside the fact its one of the most desirable career paths for young people currently and the vast amount of video being uploaded is unthinkable now. 4 months of youtube uploads will have you watching till the year 8096!
Birth of the Solar System:Students may enjoy watching this video that shows how our solar system was formed. Language Get advice on improving your language class or use these videos as classroom supplements. Improving Listening Skills for ESL Teachers:Those teaching students to speak English can he...
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found an excellent wrapper script for archiving videos. Over the years I’ve modified it, and the current form is afishshell function that saves metadata and subtitles (both user created and auto-generated) into a standard path that includes the YouTube channel name, video title and YouTube ...
Solar System Solids, Liquids, and Gases Sound Spring Summer Temperature Trees Water Cycle Water相关推荐 评论8 1万 1 2:16:33 App 【接地气的儿童百科】《DK Find Out》精选72集短视频带给孩子不一样的英语科普启蒙 1.3万 16 8:34:45 App 【带字幕】百诺博士dr.Binocs十万个为什么 儿童英语科普启蒙 ...
Another possibility is outlined in the science fiction novel Accelerando. In this book, all matter in the Solar System is used to create a Matrioshka brain [22]—a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures its power output to run a massive computer. Intelligent ...