Slider Theme Playlist Theme TRANSLATION READY Do you speak another language? Want to contribute in a meaningful way to Automatic YouTube Gallery? There’s no better way than to help us translate the plugin. This plugin is translation ready and you cantranslateto your language easily. Once finish...
(note: for live streams, the real player is always loaded). We have tested this feature in multiple cases with a mix of other WordPress plugins, and we found it to successfully improve your Lighthouse performance score by addressing the following recommendation: “Some third-party resources can...
Slider Theme Playlist Theme TRANSLATION READY Do you speak another language? Want to contribute in a meaningful way to Automatic YouTube Gallery? There’s no better way than to help us translate the plugin. This plugin is translation ready and you cantranslateto your language easily. Once finish...
Display a YouTube gallery in a carousel slider Allowfilteringof videos using keywords in the description or title Fully functionalsearch endpointfor display videos from a search result Combine multiple feedsinto one Customizableactions when video completeslike displaying a link to a product page for exa...
Alternate playlist and channel gallery styling >> (list layouts and slider layouts, popup/lightbox player, thumbnail hiding for text only paging, and more) Caching to avoid making frequent requests to and speed up your page loads Automatic video thumbnail images: each post or page ...
Slider / Carousel Playlist Inline / Embedded Live Stream READY TO TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP? Grow your audience and build a profitable online business. Upgrade Now Frequently Asked Questions Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Automatic YouTube Gallery Plugin ...
WordPress Plugins Terms of Service Privacy Policy About Us Contact US wp-video-gallery-hover Limited Time Offer SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU Don't miss out on our biggest sale of the year! Get your TS Developer plugins plan with 80% OFF! Limited time offer expires on March 5. ...
plyr--full-ui input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb { height: 8px !important; margin-top: -2px !important; border-radius: 5px !important; } .ted_lesson .plyr--audio .plyr__controls { padding: 2px !important; } .videoContainer .plyr__control svg { padding: 5px; border: none;...
On top of the plugins we listed out, there are other options like MetaSlider, Slider Revolution, and Master Slider that didn’t make the cut. Out of all the options, there’s one clear winner when it comes to the best WordPress YouTube slider plugin: YouTube Feed Pro. ...
Premium:Gain access to all slider templates with asingle purchase. Minimum version: Tags:SliderBoxedProVideoDynamic SlidesThumbnail Settings AYouTube slideris a great way to call your visitors’ attention and make a good visual impact. In Smart Slider 3 you can easily create avideo slider...