Directed By: David Slade Overboard (1987) 46% #86 Critics Consensus: Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell's comedic chops elevate waterlogged material, but not even their buoyant chemistry can keep Overboard's creepy concept afloat. Synopsis: Snobbish and wealthy Joanna Stayton (Goldie Hawn) is li...
As the title suggests,An American Christmas Carolis a new take on an old classic. The story is set in Depression-era New Hampshire and centers on Benedict Slade, a grumpy old man who seizes the possessions of people who haven’t paid their loans. One night, however, Slade is visited by...
Quiet Riot became an overnight sensation with ‘Metal Health.’ With two unsuccessful albums behind them, they came back after a five year drought with 'Metal Health' and were finally no longer quiet. Between the title track and the cover of Slade’s “Cum on Feel...
Quiet Riot became an overnight sensation with ‘Metal Health.’ With two unsuccessful albums behind them, they came back after a five year drought with 'Metal Health' and were finally no longer quiet. Between the title track and the cover of Slade’s “Cum on Feel...
And I’m a big Slade fan. I love Zeppelin, but Robert Plant’s lyrics made me wanna vomit. [Sings] ‘There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold” What the fuck are you talking about, man? Talk to me in words I can understand! ‘I’m 18, I don’t know what ...