Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (2000) 76% #42 Critics Consensus: When the Rugrats go to Paris, the result is Nickelodeon-style fun. The plot is effectively character-driven, and features catchy songs and great celebrity voice-acting. Synopsis: In the long-running animated series' second fe...
This seems to be a compilation of Felix's CBS bumpers but without the announcer's voice. One with the announcer can be seenhere. Now for a Mitchell Miller and The Sandpipers quintuple feature: First, this is a catchy Bugs Bunny songwith a record label donning a portly, off-model Bugs...
YouTube star and beloved Filipino comedian, Lloyd Cafe Cadena, has died. At just 26 years old, Cadena was one of the Philippines' most popular internet superstars. While no cause of death has been given, his family announced the news on Friday morning to his 6.5 million followers onFacebook...