Earlier this year in March, Googlelaunched YouTube Premium and YouTube Music Premiumin India. At the time of launch, the services were only available to users as a postpaid subscription. Users were required to add a payment method at the time of subscription which was auto-debited every month...
YouTube has introduced a new annual subscription plan for bothYouTube Premiumand Music in India. The new plan is being offered to new subscribers at a discounted price, which could intrigue many. However, there is a catch to it! Read the article to know all the details. YouTube Premium a...
The first original shows from YouTube debuted on its premium service in 2016, starting with series from some of the platform's most popular video creators. It added programming from Hollywood stars and also released a batch of children's shows including Emmy-winning "Fruit Ninja Frenzy Force...
Joining someone else's YouTube Premium family plan is a great way to enjoy the service for free or at a lower cost. YouTube Premium allows up to 6 members to share one subscription, significantly reducing the cost per person compared to individual plans. To join a family plan, you need ...
The company announced in ablog postthat users in India with a local credit or debit card from Visa or Mastercard will be able to make prepaid purchases for YouTube Premium or YouTube Music Premium. These prepaid offerings are available in the 1 month and 3 month plans for the services, an...
How to get Youtube Premium for Free | Tips & Hacks Listed below are all the ways to get YouTube Premium free. We've also explained in detail each of these methods in step-by-step. So here’s all you need to know about how to use a YouTube Premium subscri
YouTube Premium is Google's paid version of YouTube that comes with a heap of features and perks. Here's what you should know.
YouTube has now added UPI as a new payment method for its premium services in India, allowing users to pay for the services with their unique UPI ID.
YouTube Premium is Google's paid version of YouTube that comes with a heap of features and perks. Here's what you should know.
If you're a regular user of YouTube Premium, you may want to brace yourself for some bad news. Subscribers around the world are being hit with price rises for both the Family and Individual plans. In some areas, viewers are seeing a price hike of up to 50%. Ouch. T...