It delves into the life of a troubled woman, Cora (played by Brittany Snow), working at a prayer call center, as she grapples with her past while finding solace and faith in helping others. This character-driven narrative portrays the journey of redemption and personal growth. Released...
, Contemplative Spirituality, Interspirituality, Marxism/Socialism, Persecution, Remembering Communism, Rick Warren, The Emerging Church, The New (False) Spirituality, The New Spirituality, The Role of Meditation Tagged: bob buford, Brian McLaren, communism, contemplative prayer, critical race theory, ...
For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the … [Read more…] Posted in: Churches in Crisis!, Contemplative Spirituality, Willow Creek/Hybels Tagged: contemplative prayer, lilly, lilly endowment, Willow Creek Obama and Judea September 27,...
I'm very very excited… I'm offering a series of 4 Natural Elements Sound Healing Journeys, streamed Live every advent Sunday on YouTube. Balancing and harmonising the natural elements Earth, Water, Fire&Air in your body-mind leads to a healthier, more meaningful, joyful and creative life....
Jesus Work Ministry, website with major Christian keys for our times. Resources for victorious Christian living. Major keys on prayer & fasting, spiritual warfare, deliverance keys, prophecy, breaking strongholds, etc.
It delves into the life of a troubled woman, Cora (played by Brittany Snow), working at a prayer call center, as she grapples with her past while finding solace and faith in helping others. This character-driven narrative portrays the journey of redemption and personal growth. Released...
It delves into the life of a troubled woman, Cora (played by Brittany Snow), working at a prayer call center, as she grapples with her past while finding solace and faith in helping others. This character-driven narrative portrays the journey of redemption and personal growth. Released...
It delves into the life of a troubled woman, Cora (played by Brittany Snow), working at a prayer call center, as she grapples with her past while finding solace and faith in helping others. This character-driven narrative portrays the journey of redemption and personal growth. Released: ...
It delves into the life of a troubled woman, Cora (played by Brittany Snow), working at a prayer call center, as she grapples with her past while finding solace and faith in helping others. This character-driven narrative portrays the journey of redemption and personal growth. Released...
It delves into the life of a troubled woman, Cora (played by Brittany Snow), working at a prayer call center, as she grapples with her past while finding solace and faith in helping others. This character-driven narrative portrays the journey of redemption and personal growth. Released...