To violently independent millennials like Abbi and Ilana in Season 2, kids are malleable play-doh for them to mold with repurposed Nicki Minaj lyrics andunderage bong tutorials. On the eighth episode of the YouTube series’ first season, the pair find a home for their exercising and gas in...
Here is the video where he makes a Play-Doh Necklace DW Swain from Wenonah, NJ Jul 18, 2019 20 Since I have no other choice, I was trying to watch the Phillies/Dodgers game on YouTube this afternoon. Game comes on for about 30 seconds, then the screen freezes, on screen ...
I just open sourced my site, it has a program called autoharp that takes a playlist of youtube videos and attempts to determine where video content starts and ends and it adjusts the volume output of the youtube embed playback according to the recording volume. But...
So, you can’t have like a video about here’s how I don’t know — tie a tie, then here is how I make playdoh, and then here’s what to do if your child’s diaper is dirty. I’m a dad so… Steve: Yeah I know Tim: Thinking about this morning trying to get kids ready,...
, family-friendly YouTube channels climbing up the Tubefilter Charts. The anonymous uploads feature a set of adult hands playing around with slime, candy, Play Doh, jello, or some other malleable or viscous substance that covers the full Roy G. Biv color palette. It’s partDisneyCollector...