But, again, this is just speculation and we don’t know for sure it this is the case. It very well could be that Google found some other loophole to exploit or that they just had enough evidence in general to pile up a strong case regardless of the Vanced team’s external activities....
Les extensions de navigateur sont des caractères génériques. Ils sont légers, simples et chaotiques. N’importe qui peut en créer et en publier un, sans aucune responsabilité juridique ou financière associée à la technologie développée par l’entreprise. Et cette pile de logiciels es...
Let's take Qingke as an example. The company expanded by 106% since 2017 while creating a very large pile of debt in its tenants' names. TOP 10 BEST OF 2020 | PG. 35 Qingke encourages tenants to pay one year of rent upfront with incentives like 5% off the total lease, while they ...