Released: 2013 Directed by: Peter Landesman 79 Teen Wolf Michael J. Fox, James Hampton, Scott Paulin 59 votes In Teen Wolf, Scott Howard (Michael J. Fox), an average high school student, undergoes a bizarre transformation into a werewolf. Struggling with this newfound identity, he is...
That night, a plane crashes into Donnie's house, after which he continues to see the sinister rabbit. It's a concept that could've gone off the rails if not for Richard Kelly's deft direction. As EW's critic writes, "He swings big — with flair." —K.J. Where to watch Donnie...
Shanghai version of Peter Pan, top comments on the video reflect sentiments like, “this one makes the USA Disneyland version look so outdated” and that the one in Anaheim needed “updating.” Similarly, on TikTok the top comment from the aforementioned video about the Pirates attraction ...
Vaccination is key to developing herd immunity against COVID-19; however, the attitude of Nigerians towards being vaccinated stalled at the 70% vaccination target. This study engages Theory of Planned Behaviour to analyse the tone of Nigerian YouTube hea
Peter 12/12/2020 • There was plenty of fraud, enough to sway the election to Biden, so Biden as president shall not stand! We need a forensic audit in several swing states to prove the election was stolen. We can not depend on the courts, we must rise up and refuse to accept ...
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2、YouTube Movie(电影):YouTube 上的电影专区,提供最新上映的电影、卖座大片等:
no Kizuna', 'Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F', 'Fast food', 'The Idolmaster (video game)', 'Ram Pickup', 'Birthday cake', 'Prince (Prince of Persia)', 'Peter Pan', 'Mass Effect 2', 'Projector', 'MacBook Air', 'Dissidia Final Fantasy', 'Walmart', 'Batman: Arkham Asylum', 'Vo...
Also ranks #1 on The Greatest Comedy Movie Remakes Also ranks #1 on The Best LGBTQ+ Comedy Movies Also ranks #3 on 15 Underrated Robin Williams Performances That Remind Us Why We Love Him 16 Kung-Fu Master Yuen Biao, Bryan Leung, Ji Chunhua 562 votes This action-packed Hong Kong ...
Movieclips trailers Watchmojo以及MsMojo (尽管内容质量下降,但是制作质量以及话题敏感度还是有必要的)Vsauc...