Peep and the Big Wide World Peep and the Big Wide World 是一个加拿大动画幼儿园系列,用一种创新的方式教学龄前儿童学科学。场景设定有池塘、灌木丛以及铁罐。动画主要围绕一只叫Peep的小鸡和他朋友Chirp和Quack(一只知更鸟和一只鸭子)的日常探险活动。 National Geographic Kids 大名鼎鼎的美国国家地理儿童版,给...
22. The Mole 《鼹鼠的故事》(122) 23. Dexter's Laboratory 《怪物实验室》58集 (123) 24. Get Squiggling 《彩色乐园》1-3季76集 (124) 25. 3rd & Bird《小鸟三号》双语切换 48集 (125) 26. Peep and the Big Wide World 《小鸟趣事多》1-4季 (126) 27. Tommy Zoom《小超人》10集(127) 2...
I salute the moms and dads of the post war generation, who changed the world with their determined inspiration.BOOK BLURB Open a New Door is a poetic peep into the life of poet, Robbie Cheadle, who lives in South Africa. The book is divided into four categories: God bless Africa, God ...
If, on the other hand, you aren't yet wise to the magical world of YouTube channels for kids, it may be time to dip your toe into the waters. YouTube is the internet's most popular video sharing platform, and because kids are more tech-savvy than ever, there's a good chance they...
Download the App on Apple App Store 2. Vimeo– Unlock Video Power Vimeois an American video-sharing platform available worldwide. The main factor which sets it apart from its competitors is the delivery of high-definition videos. It runs on the SaaS model, which means the software as a ser...
Peep and the Big Wide World Narrated by Joan Cusack, this series encourages kids to be curious and to go out into the world and explore everything, ask questions, find answers. It’s educational, but dressed up in fun and wonder and a clear sense of humor. The episodes on the YouTube...
Peep and the Big Wide World 是一个加拿大动画幼儿园系列,用一种创新的方式教学龄前儿童学科学。场景设定有池塘、灌木丛以及铁罐。动画主要围绕一只叫Peep的小鸡和他朋友Chirp和Quack(一只知更鸟和一只鸭子)的日常探险活动。 National Geographic Kids 大名鼎鼎的美国国家地理儿童版,给小朋友们提供高品质的自然科普知...