Pamela Reif offers a little bit of everything, especially aerobic workouts that get your heart pumping. There are plenty of quick 10-minute workouts (but you'll also find longer ones), including dancing and full-body workouts. There are playlists organized by workout type so you can go stra...
Helen Mirren Does This Military Workout Every Day An Easy Way to Boost Your Memory? Walk Your Dog The Best Butt Exercises for Toned Glutes How Many Calories You Actually Burn From Walking How Many Steps Are Actually in a Mile? Denise Austin Shares "Menopause Belly" Workout ...
There is no limit to the amount of workout and fitness content on YouTube—for better or for worse. Whether your favorite pilates studio is closed or you’re just trying to save money by not signing up for a fancy gym, YouTube workout videos are a great
No one. However, giving up 10 minutes a day is something we can all afford. Do this quick ab workout in the middle of Zoom calls or even while you make your coffee in the morning. This workout requires no equipment at all and only lasts 10 minutes. It is the quickest and easiest ...
Find the best dance workout videos on YouTube, including classes from and8Fitness, Tara’s Body, and Pamela Reif.
Ed Sheeran - South of the Border LEG WORKOUT // No Equipment I Pamela Reif<iframe width="560" height="315" title="Ed Sheeran - South of the Border LEG WORKOUT // No Equipment I Pamela Reif" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen...
跟著健身女神Pamela Reif 一起變瘦變美!10分鐘的不跑跳有氧運動,不傷膝蓋依然可以有燃脂效果,透過基礎有氧動作的變化式,讓肌肉更有感受度,也能在訓練同時帶到身體更多部位。 影片動作: 「parcel up & down」:向上時手高舉延伸,蹲下時膝蓋向外深蹲。 「深蹲變式」:深蹲動作搭配抬腿碰膝、手臂側伸展。 「波比跳...