Impulse Maddie Hasson, Sarah Desjardins, Enuka Okuma 39 votes Impulse, a sci-fi drama series produced by YouTube Premium, showcases the platform's ability to create engaging and thought-provoking content that rivals traditional television networks. Focused on a young woman discovering her extraor...
Lakeshore Records has announced a soundtrack album for the YouTube Red original series Impulse. The album features selections of the show's original music compo
Despite what sounds like an appealing plot for sci-fi plans, the show was not as popular as Impulse, and was canceled after one season. 5.Ryan Hansen Solves Crimes on Television Another YouTube Original worth checking out is Ryan Hansen Solves Crimes on Television. Ryan Hansen plays an exagg...
‘Impulse’ Review: YouTube Sci-Fi Series Is Better in Season 2 as Its World Gets Bigger Maddie Hasson stars in a collection of 10 new episodes that are gradually finding more international and intergenerational angles for its story. By Steve Greene October 16, 2019 4:00 pm Features ‘Cobra...
‘Impulse’ Trailer: YouTube Red Original Series Reminds Us That Teleporting Is Only Cool When You Can Control It — Watch "Edge of Tomorrow" director Doug Liman created the new sci-fi series. By Michael Nordine May 10, 2018 2:18 pm Features ‘Cobra Kai’ Bosses on Johnny’s Innocence,...
…YouTube has canceled the sci-fi seriesImpulseafter two seasons, making it the latest casualty in the video platform’s changing strategy for original programming. … Impulse, developed by Jeffrey Lieber (Lost, NCIS: New Orleans) and with a pilot episode directed by executive producer Doug Lima...
it became the first must-see series on the nascent streaming service, withImpulsefollowing not far behind. Both series are set to deliver second seasons soon, so it might be time to decide whether or not YouTube Premium’s offerings are enough to open your wallet for yet another subscription...
“Impulse doesn’t take the conventional route for a show with immense powers. In uncharted territory, it’s a show that’s finding its way.”– Steve Greene, IndieWire “Intense, downbeat teen superhero series deals with assault.”– Joyce Slayton, Common Sense Media...
Continuing a commitment to more original, scripted content, YouTube Red has given a series order to the drama pilot Impulse, directed and executive produced by Doug Liman. The project is the digital service's first drama pilot and is set for a 2018 premiere. Create an account or log in fo...
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