1.Click theStart Streamingbutton in the bottom right corner of OBS dashboard. Once a signal is received, you’ll see a preview in the YouTube Live control room. Do keep in mind that there will a 20-second delay between your live stream and the public page where your viewers are watchin...
I am trying to set my obs client up to stream to a channel that my YouTube account is a manager for, but I'm not seeing any way to switch what channel the broadcast manager goes to. Is this a feature that's still in the works, am I just missing a step, or is the only way ...
Hello, I'm brand new to all this, and I have some simple questions. When I tried streaming to youtube, it seems that there are several steps: 1) Get ready to stream with SLOBS. 2) Prior to streaming, one should first jump over to youtube, log in and set up youtube to recieve...
Cinematic LUTs for OBS Studio VideoApril 29, 2019Leave a comment You want to give your live stream a professional cinematic, filmic look? No problem, I’ve got you covered. I created a set of filmicLUTs for OBS Studioand this video explains how to set up OBS Studio. Have fun!
添加直播源:在OBS中,可以通过“添加”按钮选择“显示捕捉”或“窗口捕捉”来录制直播内容。 设置音频源:确保选择正确的音频输入设备。4.3 进行测试 (Conduct a Test) 在正式录制之前,进行一次测试录制,检查视频和音频效果,确保一切正常。 4.4 开始录制 (Start Recording) 一切设置完成后,点击“开始录制”按钮,软件将...
A few of his existing cameras have RTMP support, which allows a fairly straightforward setup with YouTube Live once Monaserver is set up to handle the RTMP feeds from the cameras and OBS Studio is configured to stream it out to YouTube. Using the OctoPrint API, he was able to pull data...
= Ayaan=20 Hirsi Ali who says there's no such thing as Islamophobia. Her=20 extraordinary life story often eclipses the powerful role she is = playing=20 in the conversation about Islam and terrorism. As she herself said = recently, "Right now the media are still lapping it up: a blac...
Streamlabs OBS:这是基于OBS Studio的一个版本,增加了一些用户友好的功能,适合新手使用。 XSplit:这是一个付费的直播软件,界面友好,功能丰富,适合需要高级功能的主播。 选择合适的软件可以帮助您更好地管理直播内容、添加特效和进行互动。 设置直播环境 (Setting Up Your Streaming Environment) 在开始直播之前,您需要...
Brett:Ja, oboje je. In to je odvisno od oglaševalca. In tako eno pojasnilo in tega prej res nisem omenil. Omenili ste nekaj obsega z namenom stranke. Običajno ima namera kupca manjši obseg; samo bolj je osredotočen. In lepota je v tem, ker je po meri, lahko ...
OBS Studio captures sources from your computer, web camera, and microphone. With the Multiview feature, you get a high-level view of your production. You can set up unlimited scenes and decide which scene should be on the YouTube video player window. Furthermore, you can change the scenes...