My take:First, the good: The title is “7-Minute Workout,” and there are breaks every 30 seconds. A stoic, faceless man in a royal blue muscle tee (the secret to success?) shows you the moves. As for the questionable: Research behind the routine suggests the workout should be repea...
there is an opportunity to study brand internationalization, online video culture, and fandom. There are questions of whether video based social media allows for more humane representations of cultural others and to what extent the topic of content shapes representation. ...
Effects of YouTube fashion content on perception of looks The interviewees actively searched for content regarding their looks, including topics such as plastic surgery, makeup, body care and fashion styles. This had a variety of effects on their perception of how they look and their appearance ...
535 535 DeIaemmxMl4 Self Help Exercise | The Mom’s View The Mom's View 22 breastfeeding|carlie|carliestylez|chew|cyrus|father|fatherhood|gadot|gal|grilling|hey|heykayli|imomsohard|katilette|kayli|kids|liza|miley|millenial|mom|moms|mother|motherhood|newlywed|nursery|nursing|parent|parenting|shay...