Simply go to to find out the current version. Unfortunately, there is nothing we youtube-dl developers can do if your distribution serves a really outdated version. You can (and should) complain to your distribution in their bugtracker or support forum....
microG for YouTube by Vanced v0.2.17.204714 APK(Install this to login) ARM v7a:Youtube v16.02.3 Mod APK ARM64 v8a:Youtube v16.02.3 Mod APK microG for YouTube by Vanced v0.2.13.203916 APK(Install this to login) No Root Dark version: ARM v7a:Youtube v15.43.32 Mod APK ARM64 v8a...
(As an aside, this is not the first time the full recording has been available to regular desktop browser users. There was a period of about a week a month or two ago where I could consistently get the full video, but only in chrome, not firefox. That was possibly a trial run for ...
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Get the official YouTube app on iPhones and iPads. See what the world is watching -- from the hottest music videos to what’s popular in gaming, fashion, beauty,…
You have to make a big leap,” she said. “It has to be this huge, enormous act. For us, it was building a house. For somebody else, it could be something totally different. But you need to do something big that changes your perception of yourself.”...
By now, you’ve published a few videos complete with slick intros and outros and you’re hopefully building up subscribers. It’s time to go behind the scenes. There’s nothing nosy followers like more than to lift the veil and see what’s really happening. Film a tour of your office...
there is nothing we youtube-dl developers can do if your distribution serves a really outdated version. You can (and should) complain to your distribution in their bugtracker or support forum. As a last resort, you can also uninstall the version installed by your package manager and follow ...
By now, you’re probably familiar with all the reasons why starting a YouTube channel is a smart move—building your brand, growing an audience, and even attracting customers. But if you really want to take your content to the next level, there’s one thing that can make a big differenc...
When I start Streaming, youtube live streaming dashboards switches to live and good health starting to show the stream with a short delay. But sometimes - and I have not figured out what... Bernhard Thread Feb 10, 2019 youtube streaming Replies: 1 Forum: Windows Support B Question /...