The film offers a thought-provoking look at identity, deception, and the power of nature to inspire change. Released: 1999 Directed by: Richard Attenborough 31 A Girl Like Grace Ameer Baraka, Garcelle Beauvais, Marcus Lyle Brown 100 votes This poignant coming-of-age drama follows teenage...
a patchwork documentary which blends interviews, archival footage and even scenes from the film’s cutting room floor in order to dissect the omnipresence of video surveillance—particularly in Black communities which have long been over-policed. Anthony’s filmic medium appears paradoxical considering h...
YouTube has been a one-stop shop for cute animal videos and Byzantine video essays since 2005. But in recent years, this gargantuan media hub has more to offer than snack-sized bites of digital entertainment. In fact, you can now watch entire films on the platform for free (with ads, ...
If you’re looking to bring the outside in, we’ll have an adventure camp that will help you explore the world around you and appreciate nature. Teenagers can enjoy wildlife, unscripted and unedited,; learn how to examine the outdoors the way scientists do when they’re do...
If you are passionate about nature and have a knack for gardening and planting, this is the faceless YouTube channel idea for you. The great thing about filming educational videos is that you don’t have to reveal who you are, you can just simply create content using your backyard, patio...
Whether you're in the mood for an awe-inspiring nature movie or a true crime spectacle for the ages, YouTube's documentary lineup includes some of the most superior works in the genre. With classics like The September Issue and Hoop Dreams running alongside newer releases like Summer of Sou...
As an example there is a video of someone having intercourse and filming it and claiming it was a "documentary" and that supposedly made everything fine which its not. I know this complaint will more than likely not reach anyone, but i still feel it is my obligation to point out the ...
national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet nat geo, Wicked Tuna, Battle Line, Bluefin Season, New England’s best fisherman, New England, Best Fisherman, Pinwheel Fish Fight, Fish Fight, Hospitality...
Animal Film Animania One Dozen Film Ratchet Clank the Movie Angsty Box Nature’s Film Club Movie Essentials Why I Wrote This: The Making of My Animation bae The Cartoon City Wacky Mushroom Unnatural Defense Cute and Filmy Ninja Motion
gives you medicine–and inspires great music. And how this can persuade people to take care of nature. Also, learn to avoid being tricked into buying an animal online from a puppy or kitty mill. And learn how to write persuasive letters about space exploration, cosmetic surgery, and anti-...