How is that possible? Lightman's accidentally interacted with the WOPR, a NORAD supercomputer that is running simulations of war. The endgame for these wargames comes through trying to convince the AI behind WOPR about the reasons to not go to war. A great mix of teen drama and thrilling ...
It makes sense that that you could do either way, considering that Weston was part about European art music and part about American vernacular styles like minstrelsy. In his time people thought that the euro influence was automatically better, in our time it’s maybe the other way around (at...
and other examples of his attention to great user experience aren’t lost on me. As both aUXandsynthesizer enthusiast, I feel near-qualified to say that loopop’s synth gear content is easily the most elucidating out there. His videos are important assets to a community of knob tweakers...
If an artist were to decline the Music Key deal, and next month there were 40,000 videos using her music, she could neither participate in the revenue nor very effectively remove those videos due to the slow and cumbersome DMCA notice-and-takedown process. Plus, Google’s bots are no long...
During candidate generation, the enormous YouTube cor-pus is winnowed down to hundreds of videos that may berelevant to the user. The predecessor to the recommenderdescribed here was a matrix factorization approach trainedunder rank loss [23]. Early iterations of our neural networkmodel mimicked ...