阿黛尔 油管播放最高曲目 Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Official Music Video) 6302 3 00:14 App 欧美圈在学校的一天 be like: 1711 3 00:57 App 这就是巨星时刻! 1.4万 69 08:10 App Katy Perry最新洛杉矶山火救援慈善晚会演唱「Rise + Roar + California Gurls」 4.4万 27 01:47 App 【Taylor ...
03:35 "Rolling In The Deep" - Adele 上传者:BruceZengHD 04:20 Just For A Moment Official Music Video(Original) 上传者:BruceZengHD 04:40 Bruno Mars Eminem Lighters Price Tag Remix Mashu 上传者:BruceZengHD 03:32 How to Save a Life(From YouTube) 上传者:BruceZengHD ...
爆红网络的父女又出新作咯!这次他们翻唱了当红女歌手Adele的经典作品Rolling in the Deep。《Rolling in the Deep》收录于Adele的专辑《21》中,《Rolling in the Deep》是公告牌单曲榜冠军单曲,其专辑也获得 父女搞笑翻唱:Paramore-The Only Exception 2011-10-19 名人...
App 【泰国电影】May Who 2015 主题曲 Where Where MV【Tor、Bank、Punpun 主演】 1260 4 02:57 App 【满分男友】Justin 吴宗翰 & 林小可 Official MV (大众点评app宣传曲) 2809 1 03:55 App 阿黛尔Adele《Rolling in the Deep》官方原版MV,原汁原味!首支冠军单曲! 2552 1 04:54 App 【泰国电影/...
Brilliant! Never thought that western music can be easternized that heavenly! Brilliant!!牛X闪闪!从未想过西方音乐也能如此东方如此天籁!牛X闪闪!!Soooo Chinese feeling.很中国风This is literally amazing! I love how the GuZheng mimics so closely the tone of Adele's voice.这里的赞叹实至名归!古筝...
这次他们翻唱了当红女歌手Adele的经典作品Rolling in the Deep。《Rolling in the Deep》收录于Adele的专辑《21》中,《Rolling in the Deep》是公告牌单曲榜冠军单曲,其专辑也获得了公告牌专辑榜冠军。Adele是第一个英国音乐奖影评人评选出来的音乐人,她的声音绝对让你一听便难忘,而她的穿透力也被MV很好的诠释了...
A wide variety of music has been impacted by the block, from Adele's "Rolling in the Deep," "Problem" by Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea, and Green Day's "American Idiot", to iconic tunes such as R.E.M.'s "Losing My Religion," "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana, and "Knockin...
leaves the lead vocal and video alone, and then completely changes the music to a different style. Essentially it is a remix done to video. Imagine Adele singing "Rolling in the Deep" to a jazz metal backing track. Or a Slayer song sounding like a Radio Disney song, orMegadeath playing ...
Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull 上传者:飞一般骑手 04:44 Adele - Someone Like You 上传者:飞一般骑手 03:53 Adele - Rolling In The Deep-1080p 上传者:飞一般骑手 03:57 David Guetta - She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) 上传者:飞一般骑手 ...
Adele says Trump does not have permission to use her music Singer releases statement after US billionaire uses ‘Rolling in the Deep’ at rallies in Iowa Tue Feb 02 2016 - 07:42 Eight technologies that are changing education From real-time tracking systems that enable parents to follow their ...