this rabbit hole is the answer. I found myself crying tears of joy for OTHER peoples babies. The excitement, the newness, it’s all just so happy and wonderful. Here are a few of my favorites that went
I apologized first, went into my spiel about being grateful for all of the wonderful things she did for me, all the ways she put up with my neuroses, and how much I’d grown up…while she gulped down some rosé, looked at me and said...
For beginners, collaborating with more renowned influencers on YouTube is a great way to say “I’m here!”— it can be mutually beneficial for both partners. YouTube is a wonderful environment to establish relationships with other experts in the music industry. Of course, uploading an...
This video is fairly simplistic in nature but it will give adults a much needed break without forcing you to put in earplugs to get back some sanity. But most important, it will keep toddlers curious and engaged.Alongside the classical music that plays throughout the video is a selection ...
I've been there before myself, but don't you worry. WordPress has made it simpler than ever to embed YouTube videos and images from Flickr by simply adding the unlinked URL in your post editor. I'm going to show you how easy it is to do. For example, here's a short list of th...
We had great fun and wonderful memories coming to visit my Grandma & Grandpa and aunts & uncles in Madison. My dad had some pretty incredible parents & siblings. They did remarkable acts of love for each other and my parents did the same for us kids. ...
Music videos have gone through a major renaissance in the last few years, and it’s wonderful to see our Australian artists embracing the medium and pushing creative boundaries. Last year's winner, Gotye, became one of the most viewed videos of all time on YouTube and it is a testament ...
I’ve just been bored at work after the meeting today (it was an ass-long meeting, 2.5 hours), so I’ve just been chasing down some videos to watch online. I also forgot to copy my music repository from my home-computer, so I don’t have much to listen to at work except for wh...
In fact, YouTube has its own official 3D channel for recommending some better videos. URL: Some professional and affiliated channels will share their wonderful 3D content videos frequently and you should keep your eye on these channels all the time. ...
is the same “Jennifer” talked about in A “Wonderful” Deception on fractal theory in the best selling book, The Shack. Fractal Theory in The Shack by Jennifer Pekich (Ponderings from Patmos) Used with permission. I finished reading my copy of William P. Young’s, The Shack, and …[...