1.1 YouTube Music Desktop AppYouTube Music Desktop App is a free and unofficial desktop player that lets you enjoy YouTube Music on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer. The catch is, you can't download songs using this app. It's more like a desktop music player built with the You...
YouTube Music Desktop App bundled with custom plugins (and built-in ad blocker / downloader) electrondesktop-appmusicwindowslinuxmacyoutubenodemusic-playeryoutube-dlmacosxadblockyoutube-downloaderblockeryoutube-playlistadblockeryoutube-playeryoutube-music-playeryoutube-musicmusic-player-application ...
Arch Linux Install the youtube-music-bin package from the AUR. For AUR installation instructions, take a look at this wiki page. macOS You can install the app using Homebrew (see the cask definition): brew install th-ch/youtube-music/youtube-music If you install the app manually and get...
That rules out quite a lot, including music videos and podcasts - which is a real shame. Read our full Free YouTube Download review ^ Back to the top Best free YouTube downloader app for experienced users (Image credit: Future) 4. aTube Catcher Download, convert and merge videos as ...
That rules out quite a lot, including music videos and podcasts - which is a real shame. Read our full Free YouTube Download review ^ Back to the top Best free YouTube downloader app for experienced users (Image credit: Future) 4. aTube Catcher Download, convert and merge videos as ...
The Spotify interface’s web and desktop versions are similar. Since the YouTube Music app has no desktop version (just the web player), the Spotify app is superior if the desktop is your main usage point. YouTube Music’s UI is similar to Spotify’s in that it is well-designed, visua...
Headset is a free cross-platform desktop app with which you can natively stream YouTube music directly from your desktop
The YouTube Music Premium subscription can give you access to the following: YouTube Music app without advertisements to access millions of music and videos. Streaming music and watching videos offline by downloading them to your mobile device. While using other apps, you can use background play...
比如吴青峰的《起风了》版权在网易云音乐手里、五月天在「相信音乐」时期的歌曲版权又在 QQ 音乐手里,但是这些歌曲都可以在 Apple Music 上收听到。 如果遇到了平台 / 地区独占的音乐,或者因为各种原因无法上线国区 Apple Music 的音乐,你或许也可以考虑切换分区。有关 Apple Music 各分区的对比和介绍,可以参考我...
Apple Music 则凭借多方合作,在版权之争中获得了自己的一席之地。 网易云音乐在坚持维护「云村」社交氛围的同时,这几年也陆续拿下了不少版权,比如吴青峰的《起风了》就无法在 QQ 音乐上找到。咪咕音乐作为新入局的平台,则选择了剑走偏锋,凭借着最高 24bit 音质和「免费听周杰伦」吸引了不少用户。 国内平台对比 ...