music docker spotify scrobble plex lastfm kodi deezer self-hosted mopidy mpris subsonic youtube-music listenbrainz tautulli jellyfin maloja Updated Feb 14, 2025 TypeScript NoName-exe / revanced Star 361 Code Issues Pull requests ReVanced YT and YT-M for both root and non-root users. you...
githubpythonmusicdownloaderyoutubewebvideomp4downloadinternetmp3python-scriptpython3web-applicationpython-3youtube-downloadhacktoberfest2020lucas-dklucas-silvapytube-git UpdatedMar 25, 2025 Python jiyeon1997/youtube-downloader-python Star24 You can download the YouTube video for free and convert it to ...
请更新你的浏览器 你的浏览器已不再受支持。请尽快更新,以畅享最理想的 YouTube 体验和我们的最新功能。 了解详情 Microsoft Edge Opera Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome以后再提醒我 关于 版权 联系我们 条款 隐私权 政策与安全 © 2025 Google LLC
Overall,YouTube Music Desktopoffers a comprehensive solution for desktop users who prefer to access the YouTube Music platform outside of aweb browser. With its intuitive interface, seamless integration with desktop operating systems, and advanced features, the application provides a convenient and enjo...
我在23年5月16日,当时Premium画质才实装不久的时候,就通过yt-dlp的邪路下载了616的夏川椎菜 『ユエニ』Music Video这个视频。这个视频的137(当时,未二压)体积为48.8M,616的体积则为76.2M,还是大了蛮多的。我也没仔细对比画质,都保存了。 今天,我再去下载此视频,就会发现137的体积已经缩水成了34.3M,而616或...
GitHub user NoName-exe built a fully Moded Revanced App. He patched and Added more YouTube Premium Features and the app can be installed easily. The YouTube Revanced Extended is available for both YouTube and the YouTube Music App and We have archived the files in case GitHub removes the...
for Windows. Pazu YouTube Music Converter for Windows is a professional YouTubeMusic Downloaderto convert and download YouTube Music songs, albums, playlists to MP3, M4A, AAC, FLAC, WAV, AIFF. Download and transfer YouTube Music to any deivce so you can listen without an internet connection....
● Ganhe acesso ao YouTube Music Premium como parte dos seus benefícios. Observação: se você fizer a assinatura pela Apple, o valor será cobrado na sua conta da App Store quando a compra for confirmada. As assinaturas serão renovadas automaticamente, a menos que ...
Enjoy high-quality music offline with the top 7 best YouTube to MP3 converters we have picked for you. Don’t have time? Click the link below to get the overall best YouTube to MP3 converter for PC and start converting YouTube video with no limit:
Step 1Prepare to get YouTube Music downloads Select Download when you go to the official TunesKit Audio Capture website or just click theTry It Freebutton above. Afterwards, launch the.exe file to begin the PC installation. This programme is accessible for Windows and Mac, so you can insta...