*60. Boy George - Bow Down Mister: Entire Music Video MKV TXT JPG 61. Boy George - Bow Down Mister: 0:05 - 3:56 MKV TXT JPG 62. Cal Newport: "So Good They Can't Ignore You" - Talks at Google: 9:05 - 10:26 MKV TXT JPG 63. Camper Van Beethoven - We Love You: 0:00 ...
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图片来源:IG@babymonster_ygofficial2024 Kpop MV YouTube 首日播放量 TOP5:TXT 《Deja Vu》第五名是TXT的《Deja Vu》,MV和歌名一样充满呈现出浓厚的梦幻与神秘感,昏暗的色调和柔和的光影营造出迷人的氛围。影片上架仅一小时便突破百万播放次数,将观众拉入TXT 的音乐世界,产生强烈的沉浸感,将主题中“似曾相识...
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