electrondesktop-appmusicwindowslinuxmacyoutubenodemusic-playeryoutube-dlmacosxadblockyoutube-downloaderblockeryoutube-playlistadblockeryoutube-playeryoutube-music-playeryoutube-musicmusic-player-application UpdatedJan 26, 2025 TypeScript z-huang/InnerTune ...
git clone https://github.com/th-ch/youtube-musiccdyoutube-music pnpm install --frozen-lockfile pnpm dev Build your own plugins Using plugins, you can: manipulate the app - theBrowserWindowfrom electron is passed to the plugin handler
1.ViMusic:享受 YouTube 音乐的音乐流媒体体验 ️仓库名称:vfsfitvnm/ViMusic截止发稿星数: 8810 (今日新增:43)仓库语言: Kotlin仓库开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0 引言 ViMusic 是一款 Android 应用程序,专为从 YouTube Music 流式传输音乐而设计。本内容深入分析了该仓库,提供项目见解、使用...
24天后,2020年11月16日,电子前沿基金会(EFF)正式向GitHub发送公开信,质疑GitHub的下架行为。 实际上,YouTube上的音乐视频并不是加密的,youtube-dl下载视频的方式类似于观看视频,没有破解版权保护,其实是以不侵犯版权的方式获得下载副本。 经过讨论后,GitHub的法律团队认定youtube-dl没有侵权。 这件事甚至让GitHub的...
This app uses YouTube Internal API to play videos and music without ads. It's always free, open-source, and no ads. Features: Play music... maxrave Thread Dec 26, 2023 android github music open source spotify youtube youtube music Replies: 4 Forum: Android Apps and Games Thread you...
Apr 11, 2012knightwiseKnightlifeconvert, download, fly, free, jdownloader, linux, mac, mp3, mp4, offline, windows, youtube Download of the week : Until a while ago I used an app on my Mac (I have even forgotten the name) to download any Youtube video’s I needed for the podcast ...
WindowsReport is not affiliated with GitHub.com or ytmdesktop.app, so do your due diligence before installing it from either source. We recommend downloading and using official apps whenever possible. Can YouTube Music play offline on a PC?
项目地址:https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl 1.文档简略翻译,具体请以官方文档为准 Usage: youtube-dl [OPTIONS] URL [URL...] Options: 通用选项: -h, --help 打印帮助文档 --version 打印版本信息 -U, --update 更新到最新版(需要权限)
First, Open thisGithub pageand download the latest version of the YT Music Uploader app. Once download, open the downloaded file and start installing the app by clicking on Next. Specify the folder to install the app and select everyone if you want to install the app on every user account...
electrondesktop-appmusicwindowslinuxmacyoutubenodemusic-playeryoutube-dlmacosxadblockyoutube-downloaderblockeryoutube-playlistadblockeryoutube-playeryoutube-music-playeryoutube-musicmusic-player-application UpdatedFeb 5, 2025 TypeScript alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets ...