谷歌近日向美国用户发布了关于谷歌播客服务关停的提醒。该服务将于4月2日停止运营,因此用户需要尽快完成迁移,并建议将订阅导出到YouTube Music。 谷歌播客(Google Podcasts)流媒体服务于六年前推出。这款应用程序已经在Google Play上下载超过5亿次,除了提供大量的播客选择外,还支持订阅喜爱的频道和下载本地播放。 该服...
尽管如此,看到 YouTube Music 获得播客支持是有道理的,因为主要的 YouTube 服务是周围最受欢迎的播客平台之一。然而,一些在线用户已经注意到,与官方的 Google Podcasts 应用程序相比,YouTube Music 的实现相形见绌。线程中至少有一位用户指出,Google Podcasts 拥有更大的播客库以及更多功能(例如自动下载新剧集和...
【ITBEAR科技资讯】4月25日消息,Google Podcasts(谷歌播客)已宣布将于2024年6月23日正式停用。此后,用户的播客订阅服务将全面迁移至YouTube Music平台。为确保平稳过渡,谷歌为用户提供了一段迁移期,允许所有用户在2024年7月29日之前将其在Google Podcasts的订阅进行迁移或导出。 对于那些希望将节目订阅转移到其他播客应...
用户只要打开Google Podcasts程序,点击Export Subscriptions将订阅导出,然后在Export to YouTube Music下选择Export导出。用户打开YouTube Music程序,选择Transfer转移,再点击Continue继续,在转移完成后选择Go to Library即可。需要留意的是整个转移过程可能需要数分钟时间,而且并非所有Podcast节目都会在YouTube Music上出现...
Is YouTube Music free? In short, while YouTube Music does have a free version, the premium tier offers additional features and an ad-free experience for those willing to subscribe. The free tier allows users to access the platform, listen to music, and even enjoy podcasts. However, it com...
2023 年 9 月谷歌宣布将关闭谷歌播客服务,谷歌播客上线于 2018 年虽然存在时间不长不过拥有的用户并不算少,没人知道谷歌为什么决定关停谷歌播客。 目前谷歌已经开始向美国用户发送通知,该公司定于 2024 年 4 月 2 日关闭谷歌播客服务,之后不再提供任何服务,无论是创作者还是用户都无法继续通过谷歌播客发布和收听内...
YouTube Music launches podcasts, letting both Free and Premium users watch on YouTube, then pick up on YouTube Music in the background. Podcasters have long turned to YouTube to upload long-form videos to the platform. For the past year or so, YouTube have stepped up their podcast game...
Unlimited music & sound effects YouTube monetization & clearance Personal, commercial, broadcast & custom coverage Plans start as low as $9.99/mo See Plans Get instant access to studio quality songs for every genre, with AI Song Editing and clearance for all your projects. ...
Podcasts Podcasts are a popular source of entertainment and information. If you want to get into the hype, here are a few of the best apps to listen to them. By Megan Ellis Mar 28, 2024 How to Transfer Your Google Podcasts to YouTube Music and Other Platforms Podcasts Google Podcas...
Unlimited music & sound effects YouTube monetization & clearance Personal, commercial, broadcast & custom coverage Plans start as low as $9.99/mo See Plans Get instant access to studio quality songs for every genre, with AI Song Editing and clearance for all your projects. ...