Snoop Dogg, originally named Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., is a multitalented American artist who has made significant contributions to the music industry, particularly in the realm of rap and hip hop. Born on October 20, 1971, in Long Beach, California, his journey into stardom began when he...
With over 100 million views, this video was an exclusive web release and brings together one of the most popular rap artists of India, Honey Singh with movie superstars Sonam Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan. It was remixed recreated to celebrate 25 years ofAashiqui, a classic movie from the 90s wh...
Also ranks #5 on Who Are Your Favorite Epic Rap Battles Celebrity Guests? Also ranks #8 on The Funniest Comedy YouTube Channels, Ranked Also ranks #18 on The Best YouTubers Of All Time 42 Zackscottgames 226 votes 43 Leah Ashe 197 votes 44 JonTronShow 1,865 votes Jonathan ...
The freestyle is backed by a sultry, R&B-tinged melody that evokes 90s nostalgia. JPEGMAFIA bounces back and forth between sentimental bars and bursts of grungy rap, lending an old school-meets-modern sound throughout. Listen to the full track now in the video above. The record follows beh...
Released in the early 2000s, the song lacked the political passion of rap songs of the '80s and '90s. During the 2000s, Black movies and music became less political, as movie and music production companies focused more on commercial success over political messages. ...
14. Eminem – EminemMusic Eminem didn’t have YouTube when he burst on the hip-hop scene in the late 90s. The rap god enjoyed years of success before taking a hiatus to deal with his drug issues. Things had changed when he came back. But Eminem, one of the top most subscribed You...
I Love My '90s Hip-Hop Real rap music from the golden era. Peaceful Piano Peaceful piano to help you slow down, breathe, and relax. PlaylistCategoriesBrowse playlists by category. Christmas 🎄🎅 Halloween Slowed and Reverbed Taylor Swift ...
You can also find songs by searching keywords and lyrics. I typed “They say music can alter moods and talk to you…” into the search bar. Top of three suggestions was the one I was looking for; Eminem’s “Sing for the Moment”, a thought-provoking rock-infused rap rendition from ...
Jordan loves the science-inspired music videos on theMike Likes ScienceYouTube channel for middle- and high-school-aged kids. "Mike's catchy hip-hop tunes and rap definitely make the memory part of science and math just a little easier to navigate," she says. ...
45) How to rap Rap is an incredible way to release emotions, have fun, be creative and discover hidden musical talent in both adults and kids. What makes it unique is that you can make up your style and just have fun with it.