With its thrilling blend of suspense and cutting-edge (for its time) technology, it serves as both an entertaining popcorn flick and a cautionary tale about unchecked innovation. Released: 1983 Directed by: John Badham Also ranks #1 on The Best Hacker Movies Of All Time Also ranks #3...
The Lady Vanishesis both hilariously dated and a by-the-numbers primer on how to make a near-perfect thriller. Far from Hitchcock’s first foray into suspense, the film follows a soon-to-be-married woman, Iris (Margaret Lockwood), who becomes...
Critics Consensus: Perfectly cast and packed with suspense, The Hunt for Red October is an old-fashioned submarine thriller with plenty of firepower to spare. Synopsis: Based on the popular Tom Clancy novel, this suspenseful movie tracks Soviet submarine captain Marko Ramius (Sean Connery) as he...
I’ll send each of them my next thriller ebook as a gift. Free. No strings or demands for a newsletter sign-up. The new thriller comes out later this summer and it even ties other books together. It’ll be a fun ride and also a solid bridge to my other books...
Although there is a "Members Only" option that grants access to exclusive content, the free feature-length films are vast and diverse. The deep blend of paranormal, dark and twisted, suspense and thriller, and recently released movies is bound to keep casual and avid horror movie fans returnin...
parody, but thankfully Zorin's chief assassin, May Day (Grace Jones), added some actual suspense to the story. Zorin spends much of the film scheming from afar, but May Day actively keeps up with Bond's globetrotting and foils his attempts to uncover the plot above the Golden Gate Bridge...
“Secret Movie Files: Bloody Crayons” –The cast and crew will spill trivia and behind-the-scenes secrets about the making of this 2017 suspense thriller. All episodes are now available on YouTube. WATCH "SMF: BLOODY CRAYONS": https://bit.ly/BloodyCrayonsSecretMovieFiles "STAR CINE-MASHUP ...
“Bloody Crayons”- the cast and crew will spill trivia and behind-the-scenes secrets about the making of this 2017 suspense thriller. Its first five episodes will be available on October 24, 2 PM (Manila time) to coincide with the release of the full movie on YouTube so viewers can cel...
One of the Alfred Hitchcock classics from 1960, Psycho is the tale of a woman on the run, meeting a charming young man, who is a killer. It is one of the scariest movies online and it isn’t all “boo, gotcha!” This movie nails the suspense-thriller balance and will keep you on...
“Fat Kid Rules the World” isn’t either of the things that we might fear: It’s not a smarmy feel-good movie, and it’s not another dumb teenage comedy. It’s smart and observant, and when its laughs come, they’re of the dark humor variety. ...