搬运自YouTube MindYourDecisions原视频地址: ABC = A! + B! + C! The Factorial Digits Sum Puzzle!我会陆续搬运一些MindYourDecisio, 视频播放量 698、弹幕量 0、点赞数 4、
🌍 国内外教育模式的差异: 中国:数学讲解如同在蜿蜒曲折的小径上探索。 国外:数学讲解则像在宽广平坦的大道上漫步。🎬 以下是我教授推荐的10个YouTube频道,帮助孩子通过自学拓展数学思维: 1⃣. Mind Your Decisions 适合从小学低年级到高年级,内容生动有趣,设计精良。2⃣. Num.berphile 在趣味性和科普性...
🌟 Mathantics:数学小白的救星,用动画和日常实例,让数学变得又好玩又好懂,简直是视觉型学习者的福音! 🎬 MindYourDecisions:老师的脑洞大开,用动画和实例把数学概念讲得生动有趣,小孩大人都爱听! 👨🏫 Eddie Woo:澳洲数学界的网红大神,幽默风趣,从基础到高深,一网打尽,听他讲课就像听相声一样过瘾!
鉴于闺女是属于“视觉型”👀学习者,这个网站巧妙地运用动画和贴近生活的实例场景进行演示,从而有效促进了娃对数学概念的深*入理解和掌握。 - 👉MindYourDecisions 老师很有意思,一般用生动有趣的动画或者实例来讲解数学概念,串讲知识点时头头是道,大宝二宝都很喜欢。 - 👉Eddie woo 澳洲知名数学老师,油管百万博...
MindYourDecisions 这真的是小七的私藏的博主了,他的视频在5分钟左右,不仅讲各种炫酷的技巧,还有探案、逻辑、谜题、游戏等有趣的话题延展,特别锻炼思维。 - 除了这些油管博主,孩子自己也是一直跟着老师在学,毕竟术业有专攻,老师还是很重要的。从二升三开始,我就在给小七找数理思维老师,后面发现了一位宝藏老师,专业...
. ✅MindYourDecisions:老shi很有意思,一般用生动有趣的动画或者实例来讲解数学概念,串讲知识点时头头是道,大宝很喜欢。 . 大宝在老shi的帮助下,他进步很快。我觉得好的老shi对孩子来说很重要。老shi教学经验丰富,引导式教学,重在让孩子推导的过程,让大宝对每道题目能深入理解,并且能举一反三。老shi本身也是...
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Real-life decision making: Scenarios can give learners an opportunity to practice real-life decisions in a relevant context. eLearning Guild 352 eLearning Guild RSS Brain Expertise 352 Empowering Leaders with Custom eLearning Solutions Infopro Learning JULY 12, 2021 This works much like the video...
They shape who we are, guide our decisions, and provide a framework for living a more fulfilling and meaningful life. That’s why the sooner we learn or at least become aware of them, the better it is for us, as they can help us avoid common pitfalls and make more informed choices. ...
Were this Court to decide, after careful consideration of the Supreme Court’s decision in Trump, that this case should proceed, it will be faced with one of the most critical and difficult decisions a trial court judge faces – the sentencing of a defendant found guilty of crimes by a una...