Here’s a couple Easter eggs around the latest installment of AquaMouse “Curse of the Golden Egg” by Walt Disney Imagineering and Disney Television Animation now aboard at the Disney Treasure cruise! 🥚✨ AquaMouse The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse Wonderful World Of Mickey Mouse Mickey ...
To make it obvious, most of the videos are starring popular Disney characters, including Mickey & Minnie Mouse, T.O.T.S., Bluey, and more. Besides, there are still lots of characters you've never seen in any Disney animated movies before, like Fancy Nancy, Pet Rescue, Puppy Dog Pals,... This mod includes: -15 brand new songs and remixes -New songs for the first three weeks (INTRODUCING MORSHU!) -Now introducing Weeks 4 & 5, AOSTH and MLG weeks! -4 new bonus songs accessible from the google password menu! -2 ...