Critics Consensus: Jurassic World can't match the original for sheer inventiveness and impact, but it works in its own right as an entertaining -- and visually dazzling -- popcorn thriller. Synopsis: Located off the coast of Costa Rica, the Jurassic World luxury resort provides a habitat for...
Steamboat Bill, Jr.’s climactic cyclone sequence—which is at once great action and great comedy—would on its own earn the film a revered place in the canon of great all time silent film. The iconic shot of a house’s facade falling on Keaton is only one of many great moments in th...
Specify any key (see help for -o for a list of available keys) to match if the key is present, !key to check if the key is not present,key > NUMBER (like "comment_count > 12", also works with >=, <, <=, !=, =) to compare against a number, and & to require multiple ...
Specify any key (see help for -o for a list of available keys) to match if the key is present, !key to check if the key is not present,key > NUMBER (like "comment_count > 12", also works with >=, <, <=, !=, =) to compare against a number, and & to require multiple ...
Examples: # Download only the videos uploaded in the last 6 months $ youtube-dl --dateafter now-6months # Download only the videos uploaded on January 1, 1970 $ youtube-dl --date 19700101 $ # Download only the videos uploaded in the 200x decade $ youtube-dl --dateafter 20000101 -...
youtube-dlis a command-line program to download videos from and a few more sites. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.6, 2.7, or 3.2+, and it is not platform specific. It should work on your Unix box, on Windows or on macOS. It is released to the public domain...
But their number was small; and plagued by disunity and internecine warfare, they had been no match for the larger armies of the kingdoms in the settled agricultural areas to the north. However, unified by Muhammad for the first time in history, and inspired by their fervent belief in the ...
--match-filter FILTER Generic video filter. Specify any key (see the "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" for a list of available keys) to match if the key is present, !key to check if the key is not present, key > NUMBER (like "comment_count > 12", also works with >=, <, <=, !=, =) to ...
Mix and Match Studio // Shutterstock Hawaii: Mai tai Hawaii and tiki go hand-in-hand, so it's no surprise that the most popular drink at Hawaiian bars is the mai tai. Made with orange, lime, and rum, it's the perfect tropical cocktail to pair with those stunning Hawaii beaches. Acco...
Between YouTube, music industry executives and all the other AI douches, I don't have a single player in this death match to root for. Click to expand... Hope for a triple knockout? ••• More options Report Add bookmark Share Upvote 1 (2 / -1) ...