Masha and the Bear is an animated television series from Russia. It is based on an oral folk story of children. Though there are many episodes of this series this particular episode “Recipe for Disaster” got the most views out of nowhere. Link:here See You Again by Wiz Khalifa ft. Cha...
, it is not surprising that ronson’s video is one of the most viewed on youtube. masha and the bear: recipe for disaster number of views: 4,400,000,000 + masha and the bear is the only non-english video that garnered 2 billion views on youtube. masha and the bear is a russian...
2.Masha and the Bear Masha and the Bear is a Russian animated show that follows the lives of Masha (a young girl) and an old bear who tries to keep her out of harm's way. The show has been translated into several other languages, including English. ...
Recipe for Disaster is one of the many episodes from the series and the only video on our list of most watched YouTube videos that isn’t a music clip or entirely in English. It shows the girl Masha and the Bear playing different games – checkers and hockey. At one point, Masha get...
One of the show’s Russian-language episodes is among the video site’s most-viewed clips, with more than 4.4 billion total views.Despite its Slavic roots, Masha and the Bear is making waves among English-language viewers, too. Like another regular in our global top 50, Cocomelon, Masha ...